Unforgettable moments of relaxation in a beautiful location, close to the ski slopes.



Located in the Römerhof Hotel, right next to the ski slopes, the Römer Mountain Spa is designed to provide you with a unique experience of relaxation, revitalization and luxury.
Our expert team of spa therapists and beauticians, highly educated and with extensive experience, is dedicated to providing exceptional service. Every massage, facial treatment or ritual is carefully designed and tailored to your needs to provide you with an unforgettable spa experience.
Spa facilities: Indoor and outdoor pool, whirlpool, saunas, steam baths, ice fountains, adventure showers, tepidarium, infrared cabin, relaxation room, fitness room.
Luxurious care with Natura Bissé
In our massages, facial and body treatments, we use the luxurious Spanish brand Natura Bissé, which has been awarded multiple times as the world’s best spa brand. Natura Bissé has been setting the standards of top-notch skin care for four years in a row, with a philosophy that recognizes that every skin has its own voice, its own expression, its own life.
Experience the soothing touch of the East through our authentic Thai massage and ancient Ayurveda massage that connects the mind and body in perfect harmony.
Continue your care at home
Your experience does not end after visiting our spa. We allow you to purchase your favorite Natura Bissé products to continue your wellness routine in the comfort of your own home. So every day can be a reminder of the peace and sense of relaxation you felt at Römer Mountain Spa.
Come and relax
We invite you to discover your own personal paradise for relaxation. At Römer Mountain Spa, a blend of tradition, luxury and innovation creates a space where body, mind and spirit merge in harmony.
Book your moment of peace today and indulge in an unforgettable experience at our wellness center.

Započnite svoj plan njege kože s Observ 320 analizom kože!
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Prvi korak prema zdravoj i lijepoj koži počinje upoznavanjem s njenim potrebama.
Prepustite se u ruke stručnjaka koji će Vam napraviti profesionalnu analizu kože pomoću prestižnog Observ 320 uređaja za analizu.
Uz individualni pristup budite sigurni da će vaša koža dobiti točno ono što joj treba i što zaslužuje.
Zašto je Observ 320 analiza ključna za zdravu kožu?
Observ 320 omogućuje sveobuhvatan pregled vaše kože, uključujući dublje slojeve kože, čime dobivate jasnu sliku njenog trenutnog stanja. Bez obzira na to jeste li zabrinuti zbog starenja kože, dehidracije, pigmentacijskih mrlja ili oštećenja od sunca, Observ 320 analiza pomaže u otkrivanju uzroka i idealnog tretmana.
Što ćete otkriti kroz Observ 320 analizu?
Uz pomoć našeg stručnog tima, dobit ćete odgovore na ključna pitanja o zdravlju i potrebama vaše kože:
- Kakvo je stvarno stanje moje kože?
- Koji je najbolji pristup u borbi protiv znakova starenja?
- Kako prepoznati i tretirati oštećenja od sunca i druge pigmentacijske nepravilnosti
- Koje proizvode i tretmane koristiti za maksimalan učinak?
Upoznajte svoju kožu do detalja i otkrijte personaliziranu njegu koja će vašu kožu učiniti zdravom, njegovanom i predivnom.
Rezervirajte svoj termin još danas!
Cijena analize kože Observ 320 uređajem: 50€
Odvojiti vrijeme za sebe je neprocijenjivo, a u našem cjeniku ćete pronaći vrhunske tretmane koji će vam pružiti nezaboravno iskustvo.
Pogledajte cjenik Yes to beauty usluga.
How to spa
Za Vašu vlastitu udobnost i sigurnost, molimo Vas pročitajte i poštujte upute i pravila ponašanja kako pravilno koristiti spa centar!
Naši terapeuti
Römerstraße 41, 5562, Obertauern, Austrija
Web: roemerhof.at
E-mail: roemerhof@yestobeauty.spa
Phone: +43 6456 72380
Mob: +43 676 764 8074